How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Last?

Pregnancy or weight loss can leave you with loose skin and accumulated fat around your abdomen. Exercise and weight loss cannot tighten loose skin. If you want to restore a flat, sculpted abdomen, you may need a tummy tuck. This procedure removes excess skin and fat for a smoother, slimmer stomach. 

What is a Tummy Tuck?

An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, restores a tighter, flatter abdomen after the skin becomes loose and sags. A tummy tuck can also correct a weak abdominal wall by tightening the muscle and connective tissue. Pregnancy often separates the abdominal wall muscles, and your surgeon can correct this problem during a tummy tuck. 

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How Does a Tummy Tuck Work?

Dr. Brenman will begin your surgery with an incision across your lower abdomen. By placing this as low as possible, he makes the resulting scar easy to hide under clothes or even a swimsuit. After correcting the abdominal muscles and strengthening the abdominal wall, Dr. Brenman will lift and remove excess skin and fat, leaving a tight, firm stomach. A tummy tuck can include liposuction around the abdominal area for even better results. 

How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Last?

The loose skin and excess fat removed during a tummy tuck will not grow back. The results of a tummy tuck can last as long as you maintain a stable weight. If you gain weight in the future, the remaining fat cells can still expand, and your remaining skin can still stretch. Pregnancy may also undo the results of a tummy tuck, so you should consider waiting until you are finished growing your family before having an abdominoplasty. 

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Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

You may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you have loose, sagging abdominal skin and fat. If you have loose abdominal muscles that do not tighten through exercise, your surgeon will correct this during the procedure. Ideal candidates are healthy nonsmokers with reasonable expectations about their results. If you plan to have future pregnancies, you may not make a good candidate at this time. 

What is Recovery Like From a Tummy Tuck?

You may need some help with daily tasks for the first day or two after your tummy tuck. Pain and swelling improve after the first few days. Dr. Brenman will recommend taking at least two to three weeks off from work. If you have a job that requires much physical activity, you may need more time. 

You can resume light activities after four to six weeks, and Dr. Brenman will clear you to resume regular activities depending on how fast you continue to heal. Final results can take up to a year to become visible. 

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